It's that time of year again! The office holiday party is upon us. Whether you're looking forward to seeing your co-workers out of the office or you're dreading the forced small talk, there's no denying that the annual holiday party is a work event that you can't really avoid.
But don't worry, we've got you covered.
Here's everything you need to know to make it through the office holiday party unscathed.
What to Wear
Let your office's dress code be your guide.
If you typically have to dress up for work, then err on the side of dressing up for the party. You don't want to be the only one in a sequined dress while everyone else is in business casual.
On the other hand, if your office has a more relaxed dress code, then you can probably get away with dressing down for the party. Just remember to avoid anything that might be considered too casual or too revealing.
And no matter what you wear, make sure you're comfortable. You don't want to spend the whole night tugging at your clothes or shoes.
What to Bring
Most office parties are held at bars or restaurants, so unless it's explicitly stated otherwise, you probably won't need to bring anything.
However, if the party is being held at someone's home, it's always polite to bring a small gift or a bottle of wine.
And if you know there will be food served, it's always nice to bring something for dessert. Again, just use your best judgment and don't go overboard.
No one wants to be lugging around an armload of presents or a giant cake all night.
What to Say and What NOT to Say
When it comes to socializing at the office holiday party, less is more. You don't need to give everyone a play-by-play of your life since you last saw them or regale them with stories from last year's party (no one wants to hear about that time Bob fell asleep in the corner).
Just stick to small talk and keep it light. Topics like sports, TV shows, and current events are always safe bets.
And if all else fails, ask people about their plans for the holidays. That's usually a guaranteed conversation starter.
Entertainment industry where everybody knows each other but nobody really talks about anything serious."
So there you have it! Now that you know what to wear, what to bring, and what not to say at this year's office holiday party, there's nothing stopping you from having a good time.
Just remember: take it easy on the eggnog and try not to end up like Bob.
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